Demons needn't be so Bad

This takes place in the Darkling Demon AU using Dark/Black Sig...

"Listen, Sig. You have to get out of here."

"What?" He stared at Lemres wide-eyed. How could he possibly leave now? "But you're in danger..."

"You're in more danger here than us. We'll take care of these people. Just find somewhere to hide for now, ok?" Lemres tried to smile, but Sig could tell it was strained.

Something flew past the two, almost hitting Sig. It exploded just beside them. "Go, quickly!" He was pushed away. Not knowing what else to do, he ran. Trying to think of somewhere safe... the museum, he'd felt safe there before. There were places to hide. He didn't look back as he made his way over there. It wasn't too far, and he knew the layout. He found a crevice he thought was sheltered enough and ducked in.

In the back of his head, he heard someone speaking to him.

Do you see now?" How they treat us? How much they hate us?

"N-no, that's not... Akuma, Lemres, they care about me..."

And look at what happened. They're gone because they tried to protect you. That's what happens to those who defend monsters.

"I'm not a monster."

It doesn't matter to the rest of them. That's all they'll ever see us as. Something to be rid of, something too powerful to let live. Just like your family.


Remember. They tried to be nice, too. They had to defend themselves, and now they're gone too. Everyone who cared for you, they're all-

"Stop, please."

This world despises creatures like us. Why shouldn't you be cruel back?

He heard footsteps from afar. "-somewhere around here, right? It shouldn't be long now."

No, no, how did they find him so quickly? Was his hiding place good enough? He tried not to shiver.

You are more powerful than you realize.

Sig tried not to listen to the voice anymore. He focused on staying still. Just a little longer, then those people would leave, right? But if they were here, then that meant... Lemres, was he really...?

He couldn't help the tear that fell from his eye. Couldn't help gritting his teeth or the growl that escaped through them.

"Over there!"

Show them. Show them what they have to fear.

His aura grew and grew. There was no way they couldn't see him now.

Blue on the right, red on the left, his magic emerged from his hands. He pointed them towards the incoming hunters. Not caring what it did to them, or to him, he muttered a spell, too low for even him to hear. Shades of cobalt filled the room, and a harsh wind blew all around...

When Sig opened his eyes, he saw purple petals floating around the air. Nobody else was around anymore. He noticed a smeared red on the floor where the petals were falling.

He just saved himself. That was all it was. Self-defense. He still wasn't a monster, right?

But it felt good, didn't it? Finally letting yourself loose. Imagine what else you could do if you only-

"Sig? Are you there?"

A familiar voice. He turned to see them.

Akuma and Lemres, looking around the now destroyed room. They were worse for wear, but still here. Sig rushed over to them, relief washing over his body.

"I'm sorry," he cried. "I didn't mean to, but I thought they hurt you, and I..."

"It's ok. We're ok now," Lemres pulls them into a hug. The three of them stood there, taking in the moment of peace.


"There was a voice in my head, telling me these things. That I was a monster, and you were gone. And then I got angry. And before I knew it, I was using magic. What do you think it was, Aku?"

"It seems your latent power is awakening. I think that the stress of the situation made it rise up."

"I haven't heard it since. But I'm still scared."

"You demonstrate a lot of self-control. I think you'll be ok, as long as you don't worry about it too much. And we'll be here to help you, as long as we can."

"Thank you."

I mostly wanted to write dialouge, inner and outer. I'm sorry the scenario isn't that strong... it wasn't even meant to go in the direction it did. It was going to be a straight bad ending where Sig gives in to his demon impulses, but I guess I hit a blank with that, couldn't really see it happening. And I was a bit inspired by Sig's Secret to explore this voice in his head potentially coming out in a different way.